Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Energy is key

Everyone seems to be up in arms about gas prices these days. Prices are rising and America is already heavily dependent of foreign source of oil. In the coming presidential election, the topic of energy is being heavily addressed. While both major parties claim to want to change America’s plan on energy, both plans follow different means of doing this.

As a semi-liberal who is very interested in science this issue appeals to me very much. With my knowledge I will enlighten you all with concepts dealing with energy techniques and their consequences. No current energy plan presented by the candidates is perfect, but I believe that Senator McCain’s plan is fundamentally flawed in his plans for use of off shore energy sources. Energy is a complicated topic and soon you will all understand it much better.


Swidge said...

This world is in desperate need of a solution to the gas shortage. My home town has been semi-dry for the last week and a half. The lines are at minimum a thirty minute wait, and the school system is on the verge of going to a four day week with classes lasting until five o'clock in the evening.

Carter Wright said...

This topic is of interest to me also. I read into the campaigns of both candidates when it came to energy, and I dont think either one of them is doing enough about the issue. What needs to be focused on is working on effectively and efficiently bring alternative energy sources into play for our energy needs.

Volt-Air said...

Like swidge points out, energy issue effect all parts of daily life. Without proper energy planning all sorts of horrible things could happen to us.

I agree mostly with carter wright, alternative energy sources are very important to our future, but utilizing current energy uses is also very important.