Saturday, October 25, 2008

Heaven let your light shine down

Well, were following Europe's lead with our financial troubles. We might as well follow them when it comes to energy. The Catholic Church is installing solar panels on some of the buildings in the Vatican City. The Pope says that he wants to promote environmentally friendly energy. The solar cells used were given to the Pope as a gift.

Even though this measure was done due to charity, it is still a step in the right direction. If the Vatican can recap the money they would spend it will send a powerful method. Lets hope the world can follow their lead.


Energy4tomorrow said...

I agree that every step, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. I read a great article in the New York Times yesterday about a Nightclub in the Netherlands that provides some of its own power by harvesting the energy generated by the dancers. The energy is then used to create a light show. The club is called "Watt", and it uses other sustainable methods. For example, the heat is generated by the musical equipment the band uses. They also have low-flush toilets and and recycle almost everything from the bar.
Mr. Smit, who is the head of the Sustainable Dance Club company that owns Watt, said "Our idea is that there's enough energy in this world, you just have to use it the right way." The article points out that the Netherlands has a reputation for environmental innovation, in part because it is so close to sea level and at risk if sea levels rise due to global ice melting. Again, this is just one small example of some of the innovative thinking that is directed toward alternative energy. Obviously sustainable nightclubs aren't going to fix the energy problem, but the actual technology is in the floor, and it is just one of a dozen of experimental energy-generating floors currently in use.

The article can be found at:

Volt-Air said...

energy4tomorrow, That is an interesting article and club. The club may be a slight gimmick, but it is still a gimmick in the right direction. Hopefully people who go there might see some interesting energy conservation technologies and implement them in their own lives.

r.c., I was also quite surprised that it was the Catholic Church who put up solar panels; they seem to be becoming much more modern. Like in the clubs, hopefully this initiative sparks an idea in some peoples heads and they get their own panels.

ennaeiram said...

Wow, this is video is so interesting!!! I think that it is so exciting that a church is trying to make a difference with energy use. In the video, the man said that in two weeks the solar panels will save 70 tons of oil! That's crazy to think about! 70 tons of oil, think how much oil this would save in a month, in a year, and in 10 years!