Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama on the Daily Show

I will admit that I am your stereotypical college student who love The Colbert Report and The Daily Show. To me there is nothing like a little satire and sarcasm. I just watched Senator Barack Obama on the Daily Show.

The interview was a casual one between Obama and John Stewart. Obama didn't give a large policy description of his views, but this interview was interesting to watch. I liked the way Obama presented himself: he seemed to be smart, funny, and overall caring of the American people. I don't think John McCain would have been able to stand up to being on one of these liberal news shows.


Unknown said...

Actually, McCain did pretty well on SNL and that is a very liberal show. It's not a news show, but there is a segment of made up news, so it could technically fall under that category.

Patricia Laya said...

I was watching the presidential bash of SNL last night and thought Palin wasn't engaging or funny at all...
I am too a very big fan of shows like Colbert and the Daily show, and it's always interesting to see the Presidential candidates participate in things like this.

Volt-Air said...

Here is a link to the SNL segment that has Senator McCain on it. I did not see that video before. John McCain was funny on it, he should be a comedian. Honestly I must be naive to tv shows and how the candidates' appearances are handled.

Volt-Air said...

Was Obama or Biden ever on SNL? I feel like if Palin was on a presidential bash it would be hard for her to be a good candidate and be funny at the same time. I bet that Obama would be handled much differently on the Colbert Report.

laurel said...

It really shows how the presidential candidates are realizing the influence that the young voting population has over the results - otherwise I am sure they would never appear on shows like SNL and The Daily Show. It is something to think about when a candidate has to (or thinks he as to) appear on a comedy show to win over our support.

laurel said...

Wow, McCain was really funny.

Volt-Air said...

McCain made me laugh in the way that I would if I was with one of my friends and their parents were patronizing them.