Monday, November 3, 2008

Lets All Get Connected

It seems that energy and environmental issues may become a globally tied cause. As the Canadian Press reports, Canada may join U.S.-led energy, environment security project. This energy project is described to be a forum for government officials to discuss energy and environment issues online and quickly. The article reports that numerous other countries may be interested in such a project.

I for one, am in support of this project. A better global understanding of energy problems will help curb the power of oil cartels. Further environmental knowledge will also help major problems. The environment a global issue and it is not being addressed as one. Lets share our knowledge and see how it turns out.


Carter Wright said...

I support the project too. I think it's a great thing that the world is uniting for a greater cause than trying to destroy each other.

Patricia Laya said...

That looks really cool. From what I understood, it looks like it's going to be a global internet project to keep everyone updated about environmental issues, and environmental threats. This is definitely a step forward.

Volt-Air said...

carter wright, Unification should be a good thing in this issue. Hopefully this will be a global unification, because if it isn't we could have one side ganging up on another.

petra, This is a step forward. A simple idea that can be easily implemented? No wonder it not just the US government that is involved.

laurel said...

This project being online shows once again our future in technology. This is one of its great benefits - it allows people around the world to communicate and do it fast. I am really glad countries are coming together around this issue. It shows that the world is becoming more serious about finding solutions and that we will be looking at countries environmental impacts and holding them accountable (and being held accountable).

GinY said...

I'm glad we have such a project. An online forum can lead global-wide cooperation and enable more efficent information exchange. Cooperation is way wiser than criticizing each other.