Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama Won

I feel that even though this is an obvious statement, it should still be stated. In a few short months we will have a much more blue government. Still, this is not the green government that I wish for, but we the people can always paint a little more yellow into the picture.

Obama has promised change. When we hold him to this statement let us make sure it is positive change. With a government controlled even more by one party, we the people need to be vigilant to corruption now more than ever.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election's Eve

We are now on the cusp of a new presidency. As the votes are coming in I have hoping more and more that Obama wins. Its funny, right now it seems like I am watching a hockey game rooting for my team. None the less, this decision will make a large change in the history of the world in the next four years. I hope you all voted, and I hope you all have a good election evening.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Lets All Get Connected

It seems that energy and environmental issues may become a globally tied cause. As the Canadian Press reports, Canada may join U.S.-led energy, environment security project. This energy project is described to be a forum for government officials to discuss energy and environment issues online and quickly. The article reports that numerous other countries may be interested in such a project.

I for one, am in support of this project. A better global understanding of energy problems will help curb the power of oil cartels. Further environmental knowledge will also help major problems. The environment a global issue and it is not being addressed as one. Lets share our knowledge and see how it turns out.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama on the Daily Show

I will admit that I am your stereotypical college student who love The Colbert Report and The Daily Show. To me there is nothing like a little satire and sarcasm. I just watched Senator Barack Obama on the Daily Show.

The interview was a casual one between Obama and John Stewart. Obama didn't give a large policy description of his views, but this interview was interesting to watch. I liked the way Obama presented himself: he seemed to be smart, funny, and overall caring of the American people. I don't think John McCain would have been able to stand up to being on one of these liberal news shows.